Logging in to MajorClarity

Logging in to MajorClarity is simple! There are a couple of options, depending on your school district.
Option 1 - Direct Sign-in
If your district does not use an SSO service, you'll use your school email and password. The default password format is:
[ first 4 characters of your last name ] + [ SIS ID]
All lowercase, no spaces, special characters included
Examples: brow1292365 , vant088024 , yus-782901
*If a district does not have an email address included for a student in their data files, our system will automatically assign them a default email address for login:
MajorClarity Default Email Address Format: studentID@shortname.majorclarity.com (shortname can be found in District settings in platform)
*Staff can sign in via district's SSO options as well if your district has enabled that. If not, use the instructions below:
  • Click Forgot your password?
  • Input your staff email address and select 'send me password reset instructions'
  • Follow password reset instructions received via email (this will come from 'hello@majorclarity.com')
  • Choose a password that is at least 8 characters
Option 2 - Single Sign-on (SSO)
MajorClarity provides SSO options through Clever, Google, and Classlink. Go to https://app.paper.co/majorclarity, and click the links at the bottom of the page to sign-in with the SSO used by your district.
Option 3 - Graduated Students
  • Scroll down and click Have you Graduated?
  • Input your prior student email address:
  • Example: jappleseed@students.mcschools.org
  • Enter your Graduation year
  • Enter your MajorClarity default password:
  • [ first 4 characters of your last name ] + [ your former student number ]
  • All lowercase!
  • Special characters included
  • Examples: brow1292365 , vant088024 , yus-782901
  • *Note - even if you used to sign in a different way, you will need to sign in by using the steps above and your MajorClarity default password if you are a graduated student.
  • Click Sign In



  • You will only be able to access if you previously had a MajorClarity account while you were still a student.
  • You do not need access to your old school email in order to access your MajorClarity account. You just need to know what the email address was, along with your graduation year.
  • Your previous single sign on method will no longer work, so you won’t be able to sign in through Google Authentication, Clever, or Classlink.
  • Make sure you are using an up-to-date internet browser, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.



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