Counselors: Completing a Common App Counselor Profile

Before you can submit School Reports on a student's behalf, you must first complete a Counselor Profile.
  1. Navigate to the Common App Requests tab in MajorClarity. Under ‘Counselor Request’ click the Counselor Profile Form button.
  2. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk (*) and press ‘Save.’
  3. If you provide an invalid response (eg; an answer that is too long) or forget to answer a required question, you will see all the fields that require a correction listed at the top of the page. Additionally, they will be turned red within the form.
  4. Once the fields in error are corrected, press ‘Save’ again. Assuming all requirements have been satisfied, you will see the Counselor Profile is Complete.
  5. Once the Counselor Profile is complete, you will be able to start on the School Report and other potentially required forms for your student(s).
You may also save the Counselor Profile in an incomplete state if a higher priority task comes up. Any fields that contain invalid data (such as a response that is too long) will not be saved, however you will have a chance to correct these responses before leaving the page. Otherwise, invalid data will not be saved.
To help make completing student's forms faster, MajorClarity will take answers to a select set of questions from your Counselor Profile to prefill values in the reports that contain these questions. These questions are not required in the Counselor Profile, however answering them will save time when completing the School Report, Mid Year Report, and Final Report.
  • How do you report class rank?
  • Rank Weighted or Unweighted
  • Class Rank Start Date and Class Rank End Date
  • Do you report GPA?
  • GPA Scale
  • GPA Start Date and GPA End Date
  • GPA Weighted or Unweighted
  • School's passing mark
  • Highest GPA in class

Note: You will not need to log into a Common App account to complete forms for students from your school district. However, if students from outside your school district invite you to complete a teacher evaluation or recommendation, you may need to create or log into a Common App account. 

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