Student: How to select a Pathway and Plan Courses

This article will show you to get started with the Academic Planning section of MajorClarity.


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Academic planning in MajorClarity begins with the selection of a customized district pathway. School and program-specific pathways provide a career-aligned roadmap of required and recommended coursework. User-friendly course planning tools make it easy to build a personalized plan of study and track your progress in meeting graduation requirements. Let's get started!
Selecting a Pathway
  • Login to MajorClarity.
  • Navigate to the Academic Planning tab.
  • Check the top of the page to ensure the correct high school is selected.
  • If the incorrect school is displayed, click Change which high school I am seeing pathways for.



Note: this step is very important if there are mutliple high schools in your district, as there may be varying pathway and course options between high schools.
  • Review the list of customized pathway options that are available for your district/school.
  • Choose a district pathway by clicking the Select this pathway button for the program area you would like to build out a plan of study for.
  • You can always update your pathway choice later on if your interests change, without losing any course planning work!
Pro Tip: If you're not sure which pathway is right for you, you can explore more career paths and occupations in the Career Exploration tab. Keep an eye on the Career Cluster for the Career Paths that interest you. You can align these with the pathways available in your district within Academic Planning. You can also reach out to your counselor, teacher, or career coach for guidance.
Planning your Courses
Once you select a Pathway, you'll automatically be directed to your course planner. At the very top of the page, you'll have the chance to review the following information:
  • Pathway Name
  • Associated Career Cluster
  • Your selected High School
  • Supporting documents for your Pathway choice (if available)
  • Supporting links for your Pathway choice (if available)
  • You can also click Change Pathways if you'd like to update your selection
If you've already completed course work for one of the visible grade levels, you should see these courses listed with a green checkmark, indicating you've passed this course already.
Now let's start planning courses for upcoming grade levels! Your teacher may give you specific instructions on which grades you should plan. In most cases, you will start with next school year. If you're in 7th grade now, your plan will start in 8th grade for example.
  • Click Edit courses or any subject in the grade you'd like to plan. This will open up the course selector.
  • Click the Subject you'd like to plan first.
  • Review the recommended courses for this Subject in your current grade on the right.



  • Click on the course you would like to take and add to your planner.
  • If you make a mistake or change your mind and need to remove this course, click the X in the red-outlined course to the right.


  • Use the Search bar if you do not see your desired course listed.
  • If you'd like to plan multiple courses within one Subject, simply click on another course from the recommended courses or search results. They will both be visible on your plan.


Continue to plan courses in each subject slot until you've planned all the grades your teacher or counselor has asked you to plan. You can get to other grade levels by selecting the navigation arrows to go up a grade or down a grade.




When you're done, click Back to Plan of Study to review your whole plan.
Remember this is your time to advocate for yourself and the coursework you'd like to take in upcoming years, so that it's aligned with your personal goals and postsecondary plans! You can always make updates and discuss your options with your counselor before registration.
Non-Pathway Courses
While you will mostly be selecting courses that are recommended for you based on the Pathway you've selected, you may also decide to take a course from another pathway. For example, if you're interested in Animal Science and Health Science, you can decide to take a course from both before you choose one. Since you can only select one pathway at a time, any course you take that's part of another pathway will have a special indicator to let you know that it's different.
In this example, the student has selected Animal Science as their Pathway of choice. Health Science I is flagged as a non-pathway course. Trying different courses is encouraged! But if you see too many non-pathway courses in your schedule, you may either need to adjust your pathway or your plan.
After thinking about it more, the student may change their Pathway to Health Science. Now the Animal Science I course is flagged as the non-pathway course.
Tracking credit requirements for graduation in the planning phase
When you're first getting started, you can see your progress towards the credit requirements to graduate from high school in the 'Planned' tab of your graduation tracker. Each subject will display the minimum number of credits to graduate, as well as how many credits you've planned.
When you're just starting out your course planning and your district hasn't imported any of your completed course history, we recommend using the 'Planned' tab of the Graduation Requirements.
Course history and tracking earned credits
As you progress through high school, your school may upload your course history with the courses you completed and the number of credits you earned for each course. Courses from your course history will display with a green checkmark and cannot be edited. They will also display how many credits you earned, and you can see a total count of credits earned for each grade level.
Additionally, the 'Earned' tab of the Graduation Requirements will show you how many credits you've earned towards each requirement. In the example below, the student has earned 1 of 3 required math credits, and they've already planned to take 2 more math credits in future grades. This means that as long as they complete their plan, they will fulfill the math requirement.
Once your school starts adding your course history, we suggest using the 'Earned' tab as it will more accurately reflect your progress.
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