If your school district participates in our Work-Based Learning add-on module, students will be able to track their participation in work-based learning experiences. These could be anything from classroom visits from local employers to field trips to internships completed for credit.
How students log work-based learning experiences
At this time, only students can log work-based learning experiences. Students can do this by logging into MajorClarity and either visiting their Portfolio or the Work-Based Learning tab. 
They can choose from the WBL types that your district admin has configured, and can also either choose from a list of WBL partners or enter a company/organization name. The combination of WBL type (eg. Internship) and Company/Organization will be the 'name' of the experience.
Students can also select a teacher with which this experience is coordinated. By selecting a teacher, these experiences will display first when a teacher views the student's overview, and this information will be available on district rep
From here, students can also log time against these experiences in the event it's an ongoing experience like an internship. For each entry, students can provide notes (up to 150 characters) of what they did during that time. These notes will be available on the timesheet.
Viewing logged WBL experiences
Your access level in MajorClarity will determine whose WBL experiences you can see. If a student is in the list on your Students tab, you can click on this student to review their WBL experiences and access their timesheet. If a student is not in your list and you're their teacher, work with the student to have them add your access code.
On the student's overview page, you can scroll down to the Experiences section to see the student's work-based learning experiences that they've logged for any class. Any experiences where the student has indicated you as the teacher/sponsor will appear at the top of the list. You can click on each experience to see more details, and you can also download the student's timesheet PDF. 
Reporting on logged WBL experiences
MajorClarity has a standard report available to understand the type and quantity of work-based learning experiences students are logging. You can find the WBL Logged Experiences report on the Reports tab. This report will provide every experience logged by a student, information about the company they worked with, information about the class/program or teacher to which it's associated, and the total hours logged.
This report will give you an easy way to see all of your students experiences to answer questions like:
How many internships did students participate in this year? How many total hours?
What's the most common wbl experience my students are having?
Are my students on track to achieve their goals for work-based learning experiences this year?