Staff: Transcript and Letters of Recommendation FAQ

This feature is completely separate from Common App. Please refer to our Common App article section for help with those applications.
Q: Can I fulfill transcript requests for students at other schools in the district if I am a district admin role in MajorClarity?
A: By default, no - transcript request fulfillment is handled at a school-level regardless of your admin role type in MajorClarity. If you need to be able to fulfill for other schools, then you will need to use the school switching feature to do so. Contact your MajorClarity account manager to enable this.
Q: If I mistakenly fulfill a letter of recommendation or transcript for a student, what should I do?
A: Documents are automatically sent via Parchment Unified Inbox to the destination postsecondary institution. Contact the institution directly to ask them to disregard the document, and, if needed, have the student submit another request.
Q: What file types are supported for the actual transcripts/letters of rec?
A: All documents should be in PDF format only. In order for Bulk transcript imports to be compatible with this feature, MajorClarity will need a sample transcript for the district first (please send the sample transcript to your account manager).
Q: Confidentiality of letters of recommendation. Will others have the ability to see my letter?
A: The only person who can see a teacher's recommendation is the teacher. If the student did not waive their FERPA rights, then the teacher should be sharing their letter with the student outside of the MajorClarity platform, as the student will not have access to that letter of recommendation otherwise.
Q: Do students need to favorite a school before they can process transcripts and letters of recommendation?
A: No. Students will be able to search for their destination/institution when requesting, without having favorited the institution on the platform.
Q: How are Common App and Parchment/transcript fulfillment different?
A: With Common App integration, students are required to sync their Common App account with MajorClarity, bringing everything together for them in one place. This means students can complete the entire Common App process directly through the platform, and counselors and teachers will submit their documents (letters of recommendation, transcripts and evaluations) through MajorClarity as well. The Common App add-on feature will only allow students to apply for colleges that partner with Common App.
Our e-transcript fulfillment via Parchment will allow counselors and teachers to manage transcript fulfillment and letters of recomendation through the MajorClarity platform for any non-Common App schools. After submiting the documents, Parchment will send off the documents to the selected postsecondary institution.
Q: How can I confirm a transcript was received? What do I do if it’s stuck/processing for too long?
  • Once the receiver at the institution has accepted it, the status will update to Delivered on MajorClarity.
  • Student: If your submission is stuck in Processing status for more than 72 hours (3 days), please reach out to your counselor.
  • Counselor: If your submission is stuck in Processing status for more than 72 hours (3 days), please reach out to support so that we can invesitgate further.
Q: How does bulk upload work?
A: Importing student transcripts in bulk is now available for schools to make the document submission process more efficient for counselors. To be compatible with this feature, MajorClarity will need a sample transcript for your district first. Additionally, student IDs must be included so that we can link the transcript to the correct student account.
Reach out to your Account Manager if you need assistance in enabling this feature!
Q: What is the difference between bulk uploads and bulk fulfillment?
A: Bulk upload allows all transcripts to be uploaded to the platform once your sample transcript has been vetted by the MajorClarity team. After all transcripts have been uploaded in bulk, you'll then be able to submit/fulfill them in bulk. Please be sure to select your documents manually for bulk fulfillment! They are not automatically attached for submission, but will be easily available for selection once imported.
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