Student: Career Paths + Fit Scores

After you take the personality assessment on MajorClarity, Career Exploration is a great next step in your journey. The Career Exploration tab is where you can explore career paths and occupations that might interest you. Here you can watch interviews with real professionals or try an activity based on that particular career path.
MajorClarity has 17 Career Clusters. A career cluster represents jobs in the same field of work that require similar skills. Each career cluster is broken down into 1 or more Career Paths, which is a more specific job family. At the Career Path level, you can learn more by watching an interview or doing an activity. You can also read about different occupations that you can achieve. There are 66 Career Paths in MajorClarity.
You'll most often start with the Career Path. We've provided you with some tools to help you identify a Career Path that interests you.


Fit Score

If you've taken the Personality Assessment (found in the Assessments tab), each Career Path will have a personalized Fit Score to help you get started. The Fit Score is based on how you answered the questions in the Personality Assessment, and the personality trait results you received. The career paths that are considered the best fit for you will always show at the top of this page.
The Fit Score is a dynamic score. In other words, it can change based on how you interact with the career path interview or career path activity. Depending on these interactions you can increase or decrease your Fit Score for the Career Path.
Be sure to score your fit after you've watched an interview or tried one of the career path activities! As a result, the career paths can be ordered differently after these interactions.
Note: It is also important that you favorite Career Paths that interest you by clicking on the star button. You'll be able to track and keep these items in your My Portfolio tab.

Career Search + Filters

If you already have an idea for a career, you can search and filter your list of career paths by any of the following criteria.

Subject Strength


Career Path Cluster


Career Path Status (which is based on your interaction with the career paths on MajorClarity)


Search Career by Occupation (Over 500 occupations to search)

You can search for a specific job title, and we'll show you the related career paths. Choose the career path to learn more about the path and the specific occupation.

Note: Job titles vary from company to company; we may not have the exact title you seek. If not, try a different term or find the related career path.

Search for a Career Path (66 career paths to search)

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