This feature is completely separate from Common App. Please refer to our Common App article section for help with those applications.
When exploring postsecondary options, you'll likely need to submit your transcript with your application. Good news! If your district has licensed transcripts through MajorClarity, the process can be simply managed through the Application Center on MajorClarity.
If you visit your Application Center and it does not have a "Transcript Requests" section, please ask your counselor for the best way to officially request a transcript.
Requesting and Submitting Transcripts within MajorClarity
Important! In order to send your transcript for a Common App application, you only need to assign your counselor in MajorClarity. You do not need to request a transcript separately for any Common App schools. For more information on Common App Processes, visit our Common App Article Section
Steps to request a transcript:
Login to your MajorClarity account.
Navigate to the Application Center tab.
Scroll down to the Transcript Requests section OR use the 'Jump to' tabs to quickly get to Transcripts.
click Request New Transcript.
Enter in the name of the institution that should be receiving your transcript.
Important! Pay close attention to the full name of the school as there may be more than one option. For example, there may be an undergraduate and graduate admissions office. For most purposes, you will be sending a transcript to the undergraduate office.
Only those institutions that can receive transcripts electronically are available to be selected.
Check the box next to I certify that this transcript is not intended to fulfill a requirement for the Common App. If it is indeed a Common App School, visit our Common App Article Section for instructions on Assigning your Counselor instead.
- Click Save.
Your counselor or registrar (whomever is responsible for processing transcripts at your school) will receive a notification for review.
If you need to cancel your request after sending, you can click Cancel Request under Actions next to the desired institution.
You will be able to manage all of your Transcript Requests through the Application Center tab as well. When the institution has successfully received your transcript, the status will update to Delivered.
Status definitions
Requested - You have successfully made a transcript request and you're now awaiting your counselor/registrar to fulfill it.
Cancelled - You have successfully cancelled your transcript request.
Processing - Your counselor/registrar has successfully sent your transcript to the institution through MajorClarity. If it hangs in this status for more than 72 business hours, please let your counselor know. If you're a counselor/registrar and it's still stuck, please reach out to MajorClarity using our support chat feature and we will be happy to assist.
Sent - Your counselor has sent your transcript to the institution outside of the MajorClarity platform.
Delivered - Your transcript has reached the institution successfully! Hooray!