Similar to our Partner Hub breakdown, this article will walk you through the different role types that MajorClarity offers school faculty. This will give you more information about each role type and the features available to you.
Staff user accounts are assigned during the initial data integration process of partner onboarding and can be managed throughout the year by District Admin users from the Staff tab of their accounts.
For more information about this process, contact your Account Manager or email
Advisor Admin
Advisor Admin accounts are most often assigned to instructional teaching staff who need access to a specific cohort of students during the school year. There is no limit to the number of Advisor accounts a student user can be linked to. Student rosters for Advisor Admin are enabled via Classroom Code, and are configured upon the Advisor's initial login to the platform; Classroom Codes should be simple but unique to the staff member (Martinez-LanguageArts, for example). They should not reference a specific classroom number or school year (such as Martinez-2021) as the code cannot be changed once saved, and will be used for all future classes and years in the district.
Advisors should share their unique classroom code only with students whom they work with directly. Students will enter the code in the Classroom Code box within the "Edit Your Profile" section of their student user accounts and click SAVE to link themselves to the Advisor Admin account. Once added, student users will populate in the Advisor Admin's Students tab. Advisor Admin can link to students across multiple secondary schools; students do not have to be assigned to the same building as an Advisor Admin to be added to an Advisor Admin's roster in MajorClarity.
Available Reports:
Postsecondary Application Tracking
Student Roster
Career Path Overview
Student Top 3 Career Paths
Student Favorite Postsecondaries
Student Overview
Survey Responses
School Admin
School Admin accounts are most often assigned to counseling staff, career development and instructional curriculum coordinators, Special Education teachers and service providers, and building-level administrators and department leads. School Admin users do not use the Classroom Code method to add students to their rosters in MajorClarity - all licensed student users assigned to the same building as a School Admin user will automatically display in the Students tab of their accounts.
School Admin can organize and manage students they work with directly by creating student Groups; Groups cannot be shared with or linked to other staff users. From the Account tab, a School Admin user can configure an alpha segment (example: A - G) so that only students with a last name who fall within the specified parameters will display in their Students tab. Unlike Advisor Admin, School Admin have access to the full suite of ACP management tools, such as the ability to electronically send Academic and Career plan reports to guardian emails on file for parent approval and digital signature collection. They also have the ability to create and manage Local Scholarships.
Available Reports:
ACP Signature Report
Customized Pathways
WBL Applications (if licensed)
Course Planning Export
Postsecondary Application Tracking
Professional Learning Progress
Student Roster
Career Path Overview
Student Top 3 Career Paths
Student Favorite Postsecondaries
Student Overview
School Usage Stats
Survey Responses
Custom Reports
District Admin
Similar to School Admin users, students will automatically populate in the Students tab of a District Admin user account. The roster will include ALL licensed student users in the district, versus only licensed student users in a specific building. For this reason, only staff requiring access to ALL students in the district should be assigned a District Admin user account. District Admin users have access to ACP management tools and have the ability to create and send district-wide Student Surveys, as well as access to district-wide reporting.
District Admin can manage all staff user accounts for their district from the Staff tab of their accounts. They have the option to view staff user accounts, update school assignments, adjust admin role types and remove staff. District Admin can also configure grade-level progress goals for secondary students from the District Settings tab of their accounts.
Available Reports:
ACP Signature Report
Customized Pathways
District Usage Report
WBL Applications (if licensed)
Course Planning Export
Postsecondary Application Tracking
Professional Learning Progress
School Usage Report
Staff Overview
Student Roster
Career Path Overview
Student Top 3 Career Paths
Student Favorite Postsecondaries
Student Overview
School Usage Stats
Survey Responses
Custom Reports
WBL Admin (Licensed Districts Only)
School and District Admin users with the added "WBL Admin" role type can manage Work-Based Learning Partner Profiles, post WBL Opportunities, and configure WBL Types for their district. WBL Admin user accounts are typically reserved for Work-Based Learning directors, CTE directors, and other vocational learning coordinators, as users with this added distinction have the ability to configure and facilitate the WBL application, approval, and placement process for districts using MajorClarity's paid WBL add-on service.
Districts using MajorClarity's paid WBL add-on service have the option to set up WBL Employer Admin accounts for non-district staff and community partners providing WBL opportunities to students in the district. For more information about WBL Employer Admin accounts or MajorClarity's paid WBL add-on service, contact your Account Manager or email