You can create a Survey for just about anything! Many partners use them to gather information related to postsecondary plans, progress on assigned tasks, graduation requirements, or Senior survey state requirements. They can also be fun - favorite summertime activity or food.
How would you like to poll your students? Create a Survey to gather responses and easily track via CSV file. District admins can even recommend/require a student to complete a certain number of Surveys each school year via their progress tracker.
Surveys are available to District, School, and Advisor Admins.
  • District Admins - create a survey available to all students in the district.
  • School Admins - create a survey available to all students in your assigned school.
  • Advisor Admins - create a survey available to all students in your roster (connected via classroom code).
*Note: School + Advisor Admins will not be able to see or manage surveys created at the district level.

Creating a new Survey

  • Navigate to the Student Surveys tab.
  • Click New Survey.
  • Enter Survey details:
  • Survey Title
  • Description of the survey
  • Select a Publish Date (the survey will not be visible to students until this date)
  • Applicable Grades (If none are selected all grades will have access)
  • Click +Add Questions.


From here, you have (3) Question formatting options.


Short Answer

This option directs you to ask a question while allowing the student to provide a written short answer. Click Save question when you're finished.

Multiple Choice

This option allows you to provide answers in a multiple choice format, allowing the student to pick the right answer for them.
  • Add your question.
  • Click Add option for each option you'd like to present.
  • Click Save question when you're finished.


Ranking System

This option allows you to ask a question with the student ranking the question from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). Click Save question when you're finished.

Managing Surveys

On the main page for the chosen survey, you have (5) management options.
  • Change the Publish Date
  • Remove the question
  • Move the question up
  • Move the question down
  • Edit the question


Once a Survey is published, you have (2) ways to track student responses.
Go go to the main Student Surveys tab and find your Survey. Click View Responses.
Visit the Reports tab and select the Survey Responses report. This report will include the following info:
  • Student ID
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Grade
  • School name
  • Percent completed
  • Date completed
Click New Request, add any relevant filters and click Submit. You will now be able to view your responses in a CSV file format.
If you're new to Reports, check out this article: Staff: How to Pull a Report.
Student View
Any surveys that are applicable to a Student will show at the top of their My Portfolio page. They can click Take Survey to start. Once the Survey is completed and submitted, the Survey will be removed from their view.












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