Student: My Progress Tracker

My Progress is a tracker that can be found under the Portfolio Overview section within the My Portfolio tab on MajorClarity.


It helps you keep track of the activities your district requires you to complete. These tasks will help you complete the academic and career plan required by the district.
Each grade level has their own set of activities that we reset when you return next school year.

Using the "i" button

To find more information on what is required for each listed activity, hover over the "i" icon, and a description box will pop up with instructions: f699099f10-ed0a664291ac8a2a196e.png
This pop-up will tell you exactly what you need to complete in order to have the task marked as complete.

Completing a Task

If a task still needs to be completed, you can click on the task name to navigate to the applicable part of the platform for completion.
Once the activity is complete, a checkmark will appear on the My Progress section automatically, and the percentage of completion will increase accordingly.
Note: If you've recently checked your portfolio progress, it may take up to 2 minutes for a recent activity to show as complete. 
Once all tasks have been completed, the percentage will update to 100%! Well done!
If you've completed all tasks in your progress tracker before the end of the school year, don't fret. You can still explore areas of the platform as you wish - this tracker is simply there to help guide your exploration and meet grade-level requirements.
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